How to Install llvm-sys Library on Ubuntu 22.04

how to install llvm-sys library on ubuntu 22.04

written byzaman


If you’re a Rust developer, you might need LLVM’s strong features. The llvm-sys library connects LLVM to your Rust projects. But, setting it up on Ubuntu 22.04 can be hard. This article will show you how to install the llvm-sys library on your Ubuntu 22.04. You’ll learn to use LLVM’s power in your Rust work.

Key Takeaways

  • Learn how to set up the necessary dependencies and environment for installing the llvm-sys library on Ubuntu 22.04.
  • Discover the benefits of using the llvm-sys library in your Rust projects, including access to LLVM’s powerful compiler infrastructure.
  • Understand the step-by-step process of downloading, building, and integrating the llvm-sys library into your Rust codebase.
  • Explore advanced topics, such as customizing the llvm-sys build and troubleshooting common issues.
  • Gain the knowledge to seamlessly incorporate the llvm-sys library into your Rust development workflow.

What is llvm-sys and Why is it Needed?

The llvm-sys crate is a Rust library. It connects to the LLVM compiler infrastructure. LLVM is a set of tools for making compilers and low-level programming tools.

With llvm-sys, Rust developers can use LLVM’s many features. They can do tasks like code generation, optimization, analysis, and transformation.

Understanding the Role of llvm-sys in Rust Development

The llvm-sys crate is key in the Rust world. It helps developers with low-level tasks. It lets them use LLVM’s APIs, giving them tools and features they’d find hard to make themselves.

This link between Rust and LLVM opens new doors. It helps in making high-performance software. This is especially true for systems programming, compiler design, and DSLs.

Benefits of Using llvm-sys for Low-Level Programming

  • It unlocks LLVM’s code generation and optimization powers. This lets developers make very efficient software.
  • It connects Rust to the low-level computer hardware. This gives developers more control and flexibility in their software.
  • It helps in making custom compilers, interpreters, and tools. These can use LLVM’s advanced features.
  • It makes it easier to create DSLs that fit into Rust projects.
  • It supports many target architectures. This makes it simpler to write code for different hardware.

Knowing about the llvm-sys crate and its benefits opens new doors for Rust developers. It lets them create efficient, optimized software solutions.

Prerequisites for Installing llvm-sys on Ubuntu 22.04

Before we start installing the llvm-sys library on Ubuntu 22.04, make sure your system is ready. You need the right dependencies and software. Let’s look at what you need.

You must have the linux install clang-format package. It has the tools and libraries for the LLVM ecosystem. This is key for the llvm-sys library.

Also, install the how to install llvmenv on ubuntu 22.04 utility. It makes managing LLVM versions easier. This helps with the llvm-sys library.

Lastly, you need the install clang ubuntu package. It includes the Clang compiler. This is vital for building the llvm-sys library.

With these prerequisites met, you’re ready for a smooth llvm-sys library installation. Now, let’s follow the installation steps.

linux install clang-format

Step-by-Step Guide: Installing llvm-sys on Ubuntu 22.04

Installing llvm-sys on Ubuntu 22.04 is easy. We’ll show you how to set up your development environment. You’ll learn how to build llvm-sys from source.

Updating the Package Repositories

First, update your Ubuntu package repositories. Open a terminal and run these commands:

  1. Update the package index: sudo apt update
  2. Upgrade any installed packages: sudo apt upgrade

Installing the Required Dependencies

Next, install the dependencies needed for llvm-sys. Use this command:

sudo apt install build-essential git cmake llvm-dev libclang-dev clang

This command installs important tools. It includes GCC and tools for building, as well as git, cmake, and clang.

Downloading and Building the llvm-sys Library

Now, download and build the llvm-sys library:

  1. Clone the llvm-sys repository from GitHub: git clone
  2. Change into the cloned directory: cd
  3. Build the llvm-sys library: cargo build --release

The build might take a few minutes. After it’s done, you can use llvm-sys in your Rust projects.

llvm-sys installation steps

how to install llvm-sys library on ubuntu 22.04

If you’re a Rust developer, you might need llvm-sys library. It gives a Rust-friendly way to use LLVM compiler. This guide will show you how to install it on Ubuntu 22.04.

Updating the Package Repositories

First, update your system’s package repositories. Open a terminal and type:

  1. sudo apt update

Installing the Required Dependencies

Then, install the needed dependencies. Type this command:

  1. sudo apt install -y build-essential clang libclang-dev llvm-dev libllvm-dev

Downloading and Building the llvm-sys Library

Now, download and build llvm-sys. In your terminal, type:

  1. cargo install llvm-sys

This command gets the latest llvm-sys from and installs it.

That’s it! You’ve installed llvm-sys on Ubuntu 22.04. Now, you can use it in your Rust projects. It helps with low-level tasks and LLVM’s features.

ubuntu llvm package

Command Description
sudo apt update Update the package repositories
sudo apt install -y build-essential clang libclang-dev llvm-dev libllvm-dev Install the required dependencies for building the llvm-sys library
cargo install llvm-sys Install the llvm-sys library using Cargo, the Rust package manager

Verifying the Installation and Running a Test Program

After installing the llvm-sys crate, check if it’s installed right. You can do this by running a simple test program. This program uses the rust llvm bindings from the llvm-sys rust library.

First, make a new Rust project. Then, add the llvm-sys crate to your Cargo.toml file. Next, write a test program that works with LLVM through the llvm-sys crate.

  1. Create a new Rust project with cargo new my-llvm-project.
  2. Open the Cargo.toml file. Add the llvm-sys crate as a dependency:
    llvm-sys = "100.1.0"
  3. In the src/ file, import the llvm-sys crate modules. Then, write a simple test program:
    use llvm_sys::core::{LLVMCreateBuilder, LLVMDisposeBuilder};
    fn main() {
    unsafe {
    let builder = LLVMCreateBuilder();
    println!("LLVM test program executed successfully!");

This test program makes an LLVM builder object and then gets rid of it. It shows how to use the llvm-sys crate. If it runs without errors, it means the llvm-sys library is installed right. You can now use it in your Rust projects.

llvm-sys crate test program

By checking the installation and running a test program, you make sure the llvm-sys crate is ready for your Rust projects.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Installing llvm-sys on Ubuntu 22.04 is usually easy. But sometimes, you might run into problems. This part will help you fix dependency issues and build errors.

Resolving Dependency Conflicts

Dependency conflicts are common. They happen when llvm-sys needs packages or libraries that aren’t there or don’t match. First, make sure your git and clang are up to date. If not, update them with these commands:

  1. Update your package repositories: sudo apt-get update
  2. Install the needed packages: sudo apt-get install git build-essential clang

Handling Build Errors

Build errors can pop up during installation. They might be due to old compiler versions or missing libraries. Here’s how to fix them:

  • Look at the build log for error messages and find solutions online.
  • Make sure you have the latest clang-format version.
  • Try installing llvm-sys again, following the instructions closely.
  • If problems continue, ask for help from the llvm-sys community or Rust documentation.

By trying these steps, you should fix most issues with llvm-sys on Ubuntu 22.04. Remember, don’t give up. Keep looking for solutions until you find the right one for your setup.

Advanced Topics: Customizing the llvm-sys Build

Want more control over the llvm-sys build? This section covers advanced topics. You’ll learn how to customize the build, include or exclude LLVM components, and use extra build options. Whether you’re on Ubuntu 22.04 or using rust llvm bindings, these tips will help you tailor the llvm-sys crate for your needs.

Configuring the Build Options

The llvm-sys library offers many build options. You can choose to enable or disable LLVM components like the JIT engine. By picking the right options, you can make a llvm-sys build that fits your project perfectly.

Leveraging Cmake to Customize the Build

For more control, use the llvm-sys library with CMake. CMake lets you tweak the build process even more. You can add flags, create custom targets, and link the llvm-sys rust library to your build.

Build Option Description Default Value
LLVM_ENABLE_RTTI Enables Run-Time Type Information (RTTI) in the LLVM build ON
LLVM_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS Enables assertions in the LLVM build ON
LLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD Specifies the target architectures to include in the LLVM build All available targets
LLVM_INCLUDE_EXAMPLES Includes LLVM examples in the build OFF

Mastering these advanced build techniques will unlock the llvm-sys crate‘s full potential. You’ll ensure it works perfectly with your compiling llvm ubuntu or Rust projects.

Integrating llvm-sys with Your Rust Project

Now that you’ve installed llvm-sys, it’s time to use it in your Rust project. This crate lets you use LLVM’s advanced features in your Rust code. It opens up new possibilities for low-level programming.

Importing the llvm-sys Crate

To start, add llvm-sys to your project’s dependencies. Just add this line to your Cargo.toml file:

llvm-sys = "100.1.0"

After adding the dependency, import llvm-sys in your Rust file with this statement:

use llvm_sys as llvm;

Using llvm-sys in Your Rust Code

Now you can use llvm-sys’s many functions and types. Here’s a simple example:

use llvm_sys::prelude::*;

fn main() {
unsafe {
let module = llvm::core::LLVMModuleCreateWithName(b"my_module\0".as_ptr() as *const _);
let function = llvm::core::LLVMAddFunction(module, b"my_function\0".as_ptr() as *const _, llvm::core::LLVMFunctionType(llvm::core::LLVMInt32Type(), std::ptr::null_mut(), 0, llvm::core::LLVMFalse));
// Add more LLVM-related code here

In this example, we create a new LLVM module and function. It shows how llvm-sys gives you control over low-level programming. By using llvm-sys, you can improve your Rust projects’ performance and system-level capabilities.

“The llvm-sys crate is a invaluable tool for Rust developers who need to work with the LLVM compiler infrastructure. It provides a comprehensive set of bindings, allowing you to harness the power of LLVM directly within your Rust projects.”


This article has given you a detailed guide on how to install the llvm-sys library on Ubuntu 22. By following the steps, you can now install and use the llvm-sys library in your Rust projects. If you run into problems, check the troubleshooting section. Also, look into advanced topics to customize the library for your needs.

The llvm-sys library is key for Rust developers. It lets you use the LLVM compiler’s power. This guide has everything you need to start using llvm-sys. By learning how to install it, you’ll unlock its full potential in your Rust projects.

Keep learning new tools and technologies as you grow in Rust development. The llvm-sys library is just one of many tools for Rust developers. By staying informed and flexible, you’ll be ready for tough challenges and new solutions. With what you’ve learned, you’re on your way to becoming a skilled Rust programmer and a great team member.


What is llvm-sys and why is it needed?

llvm-sys is a Rust crate that connects to LLVM. It lets Rust developers use LLVM’s APIs. This is key for tasks like code generation and optimization.

What are the prerequisites for installing llvm-sys on Ubuntu 22.04?

Before installing llvm-sys on Ubuntu 22.04, you need certain things. You must have the right build tools and LLVM packages.

How do I install the llvm-sys library on Ubuntu 22.04?

To install llvm-sys on Ubuntu 22.04, follow these steps. First, update your package list. Then, install needed dependencies. Finally, build llvm-sys from source.

How do I verify the installation and run a test program?

After installing, check if llvm-sys is working right. Run a test program to make sure it’s installed correctly.

What are some common issues I might encounter during the installation process, and how can I troubleshoot them?

You might face issues like dependency problems or build errors. This section helps you fix these problems.

Can I customize the llvm-sys build?

Yes, you can customize the llvm-sys build. This section covers how to change the build settings and include specific LLVM parts.

How do I integrate llvm-sys with my Rust project?

After installing llvm-sys, integrate it with your Rust project. This section shows how to use llvm-sys in your Rust code.

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